The project is a collaboration between George Brown College and the University of Toronto to explore wellness through innovative technology, allowing stroke survivors with hemiplegia to reintegrate into society.
The Early Childhood Cognitive Sensitivity Training Study
This project is an innovative collaboration between George Brown College, the City of Toronto’s Children’s Services Division and the Atkinson Centre at University of Toronto.
Literacy Uplift
This is a collaborative project between George Brown College, Teaching English as a Second Language Toronto, Literacy Nipissing and Development Made Simple to build upon the potential of mobile learning to promote and support literacy training.
Co-designing On-line Tools for Engagement and Holistic Crisis Planning with Diverse Youth Groups in the Region of Peel
This 3-year project aims to increase understanding of the potential for new interactive technologies, social networks and modes of communication to support crisis planning for marginalized youth and their support networks.
From Margins to Center through Education: Integrating Victims of Torture and Political Oppression
This 2-year project to establish innovative outreach for people seeking to integrate into Canadian society following experiences of torture and war.