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Automated web-based scheduling system for child care services
MotherEaze is seeking GBC’s assistance to design, develop and integrate an automated scheduling and payment system for their existing website. Briefly, the it is envisioned that the system will: (1) allow parents to review bios and availability of service providers, and book, pay and rate service, (2) allow service providers to upload bios and availability, view upcoming company-wide meetings, receive payment and confirm bookings (3) allow the administrator to oversee and manage any appointments or uploaded data, promote events and specials and make simple changes to the site and (4) support e-commerce and payment integration, automated email notifications. This phase is expected to consist of graphics design, research of most suitable technical tools or plugins, programming (integration of existing technology and development of custom modules as necessary), website integration and technical demonstration/debugging of the system based on the requirements documented by the BA team and copy/content provided by MotherEaze.
- MotherEaze
- Domenico Caronzo
- Paul Leli
- Community Wellness, Health & Education
- Design for the Smart Economy
- School of Computer Technology
- School of Design
- 2014
- 2015