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CareerLeaf Voucher for e-business
Careerleaf is a company that focused on the individual job seeker and helps them by providing accessible and easy to use career management tools to secure effective employment. Careerleaf`s online experience focuses on empowering users to take control of their job search and showcase their unique value, apply to the best matched jobs, track their progress and confidently manage their communications and network. Careerleaf has currently started a project with the School of Design at GBC on building better website and mobile application to offer more pleasant and effective user experience. There will be 4 School of Design students working on this project, Professor Xavier Masse will be overseen this project. There are two main deliverables to this project: 1. A presentation of the job seeker experience with individual website pages including text communications and art work. 2. A presentation of the mobile application with individual frames, text and art work.
- Careerleaf
- Xavier Masse
- Business/Social Innovation & Entrepreneurship
- Design for the Smart Economy
- School of Design
- 2014